Elix Testimonials

What Users Say about
Elix Research's Elix Aura

What Users Say about
Elix Research's Elix Aura
Ms. Janet Burt
62 years old - Australia - Retired
Thank you for your continued service & assistance in deciding the best treatment for me. Elix Aura advanced sheep placenta capsules was nothing I have ever heard of before. I have been feeling sluggish, overweight (not by much) just feel uncomfortable loose skin, really not feeling myself. I seem to be sick a lot and I have been eating healthy & exercising. Obviously, I needed something more & this is how I found Elix Aura. I have just started taking Elix and I already have more energy in the day, my skin looks brighter & healthier. I honestly, have been energized all day and then I put my head to the pillow at night and I fall asleep straight away. I can see why this advanced sheep placenta and wonderful natural ingredients really is good for me. I will continue with Elix daily and I highly recommend it.
Tony Egan
66 years old - Australia International Non Profit Association - CEO
I wanted to write a review to provide confidence for people who are skeptical about Sheep placenta.(I was one of those people, before I took Elix) I am a CEO of a very high demanding company and I am in the phase of looking to retire.

I have been having trouble sleeping, feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I have been planning to retire as I feel the work is getting too much. I was recommended to try Elix Aura from a friend, who keeps saying "I must try Elix Aura ". I must say, I am quite amazed by the results. I have started to sleep again and I feel like I have lots more energy in the morning. Work has been more balanced, I feel more focus and concentration. I feel less pain in my back and my legs from sitting at a computer for many hours.

I have been taking Elix for a couple of months now and I wonder how I would be now,if I started Elix a year ago. I am glad to have this quality supplement in my daily routine. I have extended my work contract and will not retire for another year.
Ms. Y. T. Lau
45 years old - user since 1998, MD, Hong Kong
I believe in originality not because of status but for the quality & amazing results it brings. Just imagine within 3 months after my third baby and a second caesarian operation, I am now back to my slim-fit shape with better looks, complexion and bouncing around more healthy than ever before. I don't go on diets or pop pills and I know it is not easy to have a fit body, glowing, smooth and fair complexion as well as good health when you are in your mid 40's.
Mrs. S. Ito
50 years old - Japan
What's lethargy or tiredness??? I'm now so refreshed and active. After just 4 weeks with Premium Sheep Placenta, I feel more vibrant, energetic and very alert. Coupled with better sleep, I am always fresh after my slumber
Mrs. G. Stalens
56 years old - Charleloi, Belgium
The beauty of this product is that it is not a medicine nor is it addictive but a natural food supplement with regenerative & rejuvenating features. It's my super multi-vitamin!
Mr. E. Enrique
27 years old, Spain
As a el modelo (model) in glamorous world, my looks, good complexion & health counts. This Premium Sheep Placenta is my best insurance! It's really a Rolls not just any car you find on the road! Nope, I am not paid to say anything good about this product. It's a personal expression of my satisfaction with a good food supplement.
Dr. S. Dieter
Researcher, Switzerland
Unlike HGH, there's no overdose, contradictions or side effects. So these softgel caps Premium Sheep Placenta are the obvious my first choice!
Ms. Caroline B. Edwards
44 years old - Surrey, UK
No, it's not expensive at all. One Premium Sheep Placenta softgel is as good as five others and it is safe and effective. I am always pennywise but not with Premium Sheep Placenta, it is worth my hard earned pounds!
Casey Loh
Executive Creative Director, Malaysia
As an entrepreneur in the creative industry, I feel that the product has to have a desired impact and benefit not only to my health but also to my mental stamina. I've taken Elix for a month now with my wife and though our effects are different, the benefits are obviously remarkable. Within a few days I felt more invigorated and motivated for the daily challenges that await me. I felt like I was raring to go every morning by the end of 2 weeks of consumption.

So to illustrate a point, here's what a daily schedule would look like for me. Step into the office - meet with the creative teams to discuss the tasks at hand. Then meet with the administrative team to discuss the nitty gritty daily stuff due. Then meet with my partner to strategise the different plans for campaigns ahead. Break for lunch, head back to office or if I have to, to a meeting that will usually last 2-3 hours. If I'm in the office, I will get an hour or so to catch up on the latest tech trends and award shows to keep myself up to date and to share with the teams on what's the gameplan for specific creative briefs and challenges. Then we brainstorm. For hours. It's not easy managing creative egos. Try sitting into one of these for half a day and you'll feel like you've been sapped of all mental strength. But I get by. I then look at the work that the other teams have done to meet client deadlines. By then it's almost dinner time and I'm hoping to finish catching up with everyone before I head home.

Except now, I don't head home straightaway. I found that I've been hitting the gym a lot lately. Maybe it's for personal health reasons but I've never felt more motivated to just do something before. This was quite a surprise to everyone around me. I have to admit, I'm surprised too. I've been more alert, more invigorated and more than willing to try new things - like different martial arts classes and just hitting the weights which I was always reluctant to go to before. It's made me feel younger and more alive. And the more I exercise, the better I feel. Elix has given me the confidence to challenge myself be it at work or play. Rather than sneaking away from a few meetings to just catch a breath, I'm not jumping from one meeting room to another - one brainstorm to the next, without feeling the pinch of a mind block. It's really great to be so full of life and energy. I'm sure there's more benefits to be discovered.

I sincerely hope everyone who tries Elix out there can share their experiences too. Can't wait to get back to another meeting after this...
Mr. Chantal V. Schurmann
53 years old - Arnhem, Netherlands
Premium Sheep Placenta - The real Vit X for my malnourished & totally stressed body!
MS. Why Jones
Business Woman, New Zealand
Elix Aura is really incredible. Even when i've had a long day of work, I am still full of energy. Moreover, Elix Aura helps me to have better sleep. My skin is obviously firmer and smoother at the same time. I really appreciate Elix Aura’s results.
Miss. Pornsiri Chaisrima
Teacher, Thailand
My skin is brighter. People around me said that I look brighter than before. Freckles and melasmas are reduced.
Sid Ng
Culinary Arts Student , Malaysia
I've been taking Elix for over 6 months now because my husband bought a few boxes home and said that it was effective for him. So I decided to try and see how well it could help me with my insomnia and memory. At first I used to feel lethargic and a bit at a loss during classes before I started taking the supplement. Now I feel more energized and is able to memories the steps and recipe from classes clearly. It's given me more focus and has revitalized my train of thought to continually be better. It may or may not be a direct result of the supplement, but I have seen significant impact in my class as well - as I have been awarded the top performer in my class for 2 terms. Being a culinary student is demanding on the mind and body as we have to go through a long theory class f ollowed by practical sessions in the kitchen, a fast paced environment. Despite having to wake up at 5am every day to prep for school, I now look forward to every lesson with renewed energy.
Kathy Soong
Businesswoman, Malaysia
My son bought me a box of Elix which lasted a month and I am looking forward to getting more immediately. I have suffered from eczema for years and have now suddenly found the frequency of outbreaks or rashes slowing down. I have resisted the use of steroids to stop my eczema outbreaks and thankfully, the placenta supplement has improved my skin significantly, making it smoother, healthier and most importantly, undisturbed by the eczema problem. I can't wait to see what else it can do for my overall wellness.
Mrs. Marilyn R. Cheung
44 years old - Vancouver
When people started commenting on the total change of 'chi' (glow) in both my face and overall body complexion after taking Premium Sheep Placenta for 6 months, I knew I had made the perfect choice of food supplement after trying out so many different types of supplements and placenta extracts. Time waits for no¬ne but this product seems to be reversing my age. I am now feeling young at heart both physically and mentally!